

Business leaders have to think of everything


A 21st century entrepreneur needs to be a shrewd and savvy manager, a tax specialist and an expert in labour and company law.

A daily challenge and one that is hard to live up to alone. Hence the need for any business leader to rely on recognised experts in their field, when creating and at each key stage in the development of their company.

The best framework for any business is devised prior to the decision-making process: choice of legal status, tax and social security systems, tailored personal protection tools and measures to protect the manager’s assets and family.


Our trademark : corporate expertise

For more than 20 years, the Monassier Group has developed solid expertise in the business world; this is our trademark in the notarial field. The notaries and staff of Monassier Group members are experienced in the ins and outs of law and asset management and are there to support decision-makers: drafting of articles of association, negotiation of commercial leases, adoption of pension and provident schemes, profit-sharing policy, creation of holding companies, etc. Together, we design legal and financial strategies that guarantee the viability of the business while ensuring optimal protection for the manager’s professional and family interests.

Business creation and restructuring

Drafting of articles of association, tax returns, company law, legal secretariat, tax domiciliation, restructuring, M&As, sales, LBOs, profit-sharing, methods of acquiring and holding business premises, capital increases, etc. The legal validity of...

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Professional asset management

The detailed management of professional assets is a source of value creation for the company and its manager. From the choice of legal structure (individual company, SARL, SNC, SAS) to optimisation of the remuneration of the management team, transfer of...

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Business transfers

Whatever the context, the question of the transfer of your business will have consequences from both a wealth and tax perspective.   The wrong response can have serious repercussions: the future of the business compromised, a prospective successor...

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Taxation of the manager's wealth

As a company director, you can choose the least heavily taxed methods of remuneration and use legal tax exemption mechanisms to give your company the means to grow. For example, do you know that contributing to the capital increase of a young company (less than...

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