
International estates

Every year, more than 450,000 “international” estates are opened in Europe; nearly one in ten. Tomorrow it may be yours.

This trend is necessarily increasing, in a world in which trade, investment and travel take little stock of borders.
When the time comes, even if there is only one foreign aspect of your estate (referred to as an “international element”) your notary will have to invoke the laws of the countries concerned to settle your estate. This will be the case, for example, if your spouse is of a different nationality to yourself, if you are an expatriate, if you invest in a country in which you do not reside or if you reside in a country of which you are not a native.

The subtleties of the European Regulation

Is it possible to streamline these procedures? Yes. Since August 2015, a European regulation has made it possible to determine the regulations applicable to your estate: that of your habitual residence on death, the location of your property or your nationality. The Monassier Group members, supported by its international network, are convinced that there are no good or bad options. Depending on your matrimonial and wealth situation, we will guide you in the choice of methods for holding your real estate assets and assist you in drawing up a will, even advising you to change your matrimonial regime.

Avoid double taxation

Are you inheriting an estate? While the European inheritance certificate facilitates the settlement of international estates, it does not protect you from double taxation! Again, the best advice is to plan ahead. Rely on the notaries and staff of the Monassier Group members and place your trust in the vigilance of our international partners regarding legislative developments in their countries.

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